Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Belair NP - more orchids

I was off work today, so Maryann and I took a picnic up to Belair National Park in the Adelaide Hills. The first thing we saw was a family of Maned Ducks also on a family outing.
Next stop was the same area of the park I visited earlier in the month for orchids. The area was completely different with hardly any of the flowers we saw last time still in bloom. I was hoping to see some Spider Orchids, and after searching for a while I found one. I also saw Hand Flower Milk Maids Euphorbia and Rabbit Ears And, of course, some other flowers I have not been able to identify.


  1. I'm not a flower sort of person,but these shots have changed my mind.
    Fantastic show.

  2. Wonderful wildflowers. The purple one might be a fringed native Tradescantia? I remember my delight when seeing some of them, walking in the bush area of our grazing property.

  3. adorable ducks! So cute, and those orchids are stunning! Very cool!

  4. The purple one is Fringed Violet, it is one of the Australian Bush Flower Essences, beautiful :)
